This evening as I was walking Ryland into my bedroom for his snack and bedtime cartoon I noticed an amazing sunset and I told the kids to look outside to see the beautiful colours Jesus put in the sky tonight for us to look at. So Ry and Lexi gathered by the window and I stood behind them and Ry looked up at me and said "mommy you're more beautiful then that and that's a lot beautiful" So sweet! I just gave him a big hug, I hope he stops growing up so fast, I love that he loves me so much and wants to spend time with me, that he runs off the bus (literally) and gives me a huge hug everyday after school, that he was so excited that I signed up to volunteer for fieldtrips and then he asked if i would sit with him on the bus, the list goes on and on but it all points to him loving his mommy so much right now and i know that will soon turn into wanting to rather be with friends and him even later being embarrassed of me and Jord. I am truly enjoying it now!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Patio Blinds
My dad and Clint came over today and put up our new blinds we got for the patio door. They were very relaxed about it all and i think it took them 3 hours to do it. The instructions were horrible and they had to figure most of it out for themselves but they had breaks and Clint even ran an Olympic relay with Ryland during the whole process but it was kind of funny that it still took that long. I sure appreciate it guys, thanks again! Our other ones the kids just destroyed, they were the vertical ones so they were always touching the floor so they were constantly playing in them, it was so frustrating. We made sure we got these ones that go UP and we can also have one side up and one down if we want but it's still just one long one, although you can't tell totally from the picture.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Because you can't call you children and tell them you're sick...
well yesterday i got sick and had a fever all through the night and all sorts of aches and pains, of course Jord wasn't around so i had a crapy sleep and got woken up this morning by my sweet little Lexi at about 6:25am, thanks honey! she was so super sweet though, she lay in bed with me for about half an hour and every few minutes would whisper something in my ear..."mommy me big girl now", "mommy can me pay wit your hair?" and so on. I felt crapy still but the fever was gone by now and Sophia was awake so no more being lazy.Throughout the day i did what any mom has to do, sick or not, because like i mentioned in the title, you can't call your children and tell them you're sick, the day must go on! so i got to painting our doors for downstairs that will thankfully be getting installed next week, ran errands in wpg (so thankfully with Bo since it was raining and hailing there) and my fever annoyingly decided to come back in the afternoon but i chose to suck-it-up and i still did rolling races in the backyard with Ryland (i even won one!) but i gracefully bowed out of the running races today since the rolling did a number on my head and he nicely allowed me to be the spectaor and the person who does the 'ready, set, BANG'.The most exciting part of today was training my precious little SoBia Belle to...
pee on the potty! Horray for you honey! Im so proud, she's only 14 months and already going on the potty!! we spent so much time today sitting in the bathroom and the third time she did it after about 2 minutes or so. it was so awesome! the times she didn't do anything she laughed and laughed at silly games we played, she had snack and juice while siting there and of course Ry and Lex put on amazingly entertaining shows for us in the bathtub. What a great day today , sick and all!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Rylands Sailboat
Ryland had been asking for peanut butter on toast for
a couple of days and finally i picked up some bread for him, so this morning was really exciting for him. I finished spreading the peanut butter and asked him if he wanted it cut (if you cut it and that day he wants it whole...look out!) and he said yes. For some reason today I starting cutting it diagonally (I rarely do) and as I had only just barely started he said so politely and nonchalantly "mom, can you cut it into a sailboat?" I pause, say nothing and decide to keep cutting because how in the world do I cut a piece of bread into a sailboat and who on earth asks that AND who asks that with such complete confidence in their mom to do that?? well after i cut it it came to me.....

and he thought it was an AWESOME sailboat!
a couple of days and finally i picked up some bread for him, so this morning was really exciting for him. I finished spreading the peanut butter and asked him if he wanted it cut (if you cut it and that day he wants it whole...look out!) and he said yes. For some reason today I starting cutting it diagonally (I rarely do) and as I had only just barely started he said so politely and nonchalantly "mom, can you cut it into a sailboat?" I pause, say nothing and decide to keep cutting because how in the world do I cut a piece of bread into a sailboat and who on earth asks that AND who asks that with such complete confidence in their mom to do that?? well after i cut it it came to me.....
and he thought it was an AWESOME sailboat!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
He's getting so big!
This picture is actually from last month already but i can hardly believe i can just send my little guy down the street (okay it's two houses over) all by himself already! Well last summer when we moved here i almost imediately started sending him over to Angs' place to get small things for me like eggs and i found it really weird but so convienient that i no longer had to pack up 3 little ones just to go get something so small and something that would only take a couple minutes. But when i wanted to haul this thing over to Ang's I figured why not let Ry haul it over there in our wagon, he LOVED the idea, it makes him feel so big and proud. I love it to, it makes me a little sad thought too to know that he's getting so big already and i still dont know how i'm going to deal with things this fall when it becomes a reality that he will infact be in school!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Our Play Stucture!
Last year we gave our children a play stucture for their christmas present and their birthday present, (their birthday that was closest to that christmas)we figured it is so huge we can use it for 6 gifts! And little do they know they will be sharing more christmas gifts as we slowly add on to their structure. hopefully this christmas we can add a tire swing on to it for them.

it was so exciting to finally put it up, i kept telling Jord that i was more excited for it then the kids were. i've been wanting one since Ryland was about 2 already. i didn't know it would be so much fun putting it together though. we made it a big family project and we all had a great time. Ryland was drilling, Lexi was so proudly giving Jord the scrap pieces of wood, Jord trusted me enough to measure and mark the wood and then taught me how to use the skill saw or circular saw or whatever that thing is called so i could then cut it for him and Sophia cheered us all on. Jordan's dad stopped in on day 3 at the perfect time...when the roof needed to go up so that was a great help, other then that we as a family put it up (Jord doing most of it but the rest of us doing our part none the less).
we even stopped to have a tea party with the girls in between! I told Jord when we were all done that i was a little sad because i had so much fun putting it together with him, i was so focused at first on it just being up so that the kids could play on it i never expected the process of it going up would have been part of the fun of it all.
we even stopped to have a tea party with the girls in between! I told Jord when we were all done that i was a little sad because i had so much fun putting it together with him, i was so focused at first on it just being up so that the kids could play on it i never expected the process of it going up would have been part of the fun of it all.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Crash Test Mommy
okay, who out there watches Crash Test Mommy? for those of you who don't its a show designed to let people know what motherhood is like. There is either a friend to the mom, a sister, cousin, sometimes even the husband, someone who thinks they can do her job better and is given 48 hours to prove that they can infact do her job with greater ease...they never can. I love watching it! There was one episode where the dad thought if he would be home the house would be cleaner, well he found out that it's not as easy as it sounds, he tried a simple task like vacuuming the livingroom, one he thought should take just a couple minutes but then he had his potty training toddler pee on the carpet so he had to clean that whole mess up and then he picked up the vaccum cleaner to give it another go and his baby boy pooped his diaper and while he was changing him on the couch some got on there and i think before he finished that "little 5 minute job" he had to go pick up his other kid from school. It's so funny that even a father would be oblivious to fact that you can't just do a job like that in peace when you have little kids and it does take a whole day of cleaning just to have the house look exactly the same as it did before they left for work. I know when I haul out the vaccum cleaner I have 2 little ones that always need to have a turn 'helping me' and then they all 3 love it when I 'suck them up' so I do their arms and cheeks and tummy, so doing the little carpet we have takes a lot longer then one may think. Or take for example the amount of time it took me to make a simple lunch today...I started at 11:00 with making some biscuts and within about a minute Lexi was in the kitchen wanting to help me so I gave her a very important job, to be in charge of the baking powder until I needed it and then she could help put the 4 tsp into the bowl, she was so happy and that made her feel so big. when they were on the baking sheet it was time to pack up the girls and take them to pick up Ryland from pre-school. When we got home Lexi went straight to her room because she was having one of her famous tantrums and I proceeded to the kitchen to make the soup, after that was started I went to check in on Lexi and she was hiding behind her door and thought it was so funny that i 'found her' since she was apparently hiding on me was laughing away so I said she could come out and she could play outside for a few minutes till lunch was all ready. By the time I was back in the kitchen which was hardly a minute and a half Sophia had already half emptied a cupboard all over the kitchen floor and was already at the patio door soaking wet after finding a water bottle that didn't have the lid on very tight and was now completly empty, so instead of just getting out bowls and plating up lunch I had to clean up Sophia, the wet floor and the scattered dishes she placed everywhere. After that I had her sitting at my feet and pulling on my pants and trying to pull herself up on my legs which makes it impossible for me to move so I then straped her into her highchair and gave her some finger foods to snack on till lunch was cooled off enough for her. I of course had a phone call from Ang and then my dad showed up wanting to pick up the farmer sausage he was storing in our freezer since last night. He was there at lunch so Robyn could help him but I found 2 spare minutes to load them up in his car before Robyn was back from school (my dad broke his foot so he needed some help). After that i called everyone to the table and we had an awesome lunch together. It lasted just a couple minutes before the kids hurried off and left me with a huge mess, but it was so awesome to be able to have that lunch with them, i enjoy it so much. The bonus today was that Lexi didn't have to go to the bathroom the second she sat down! I am not one little bit complaining here, I LOVE that Jordan's job allows me to be a mommy who is able to stay at home and I had an awesome day today with my little ones it's just funny that people without kids think that moms can just make lunch and do things around the house in the same amount of time it takes them and that is so not true. After Ryland and Lexi ran off from the table today Robyn asked me what was wrong twice and said that I looked like I was mad and I said both times absolutely not, I'm having a great day today and I told her all the good things that had
happened so far but the second time she asked me I just said no i'm just tired from today and making lunch was such a long process but i really am having a really good day today with the kids. And really I was in a good mood i was just thinking of how long that would have taken me to make lunch if I could have 'just made lunch' but in the world' of motherhood you can't 'just make lunch' or 'just vaccum' there is always someone that will need your attention in those moments and I was just thinking to myself while trying to get lunch ready how funny this is that I am constantly getting inturrupted and then the show Crash Test Mommy came to my mind so i thought i should blog it!
happened so far but the second time she asked me I just said no i'm just tired from today and making lunch was such a long process but i really am having a really good day today with the kids. And really I was in a good mood i was just thinking of how long that would have taken me to make lunch if I could have 'just made lunch' but in the world' of motherhood you can't 'just make lunch' or 'just vaccum' there is always someone that will need your attention in those moments and I was just thinking to myself while trying to get lunch ready how funny this is that I am constantly getting inturrupted and then the show Crash Test Mommy came to my mind so i thought i should blog it!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lexi, Anika and a soccer ball
We were at my parents place about a week and a half ago and it was really nice outside and Robyn found a dead frog in the ditch (that will be a whole other post...with pictures of course!) so most of us were outside for awhile either disecting the frog, throwing rocks in the ditch or playing soccer. One thing you need to know about my awesome little neice Anika is that everytime my kids (especially Lexi) announces she is going to do something Anika has to quickly do it first, take peeing for example...when Anika has to go to the bathroom she goes but when my children have to go they for some reason feel the need to announce it first and then go. So whenever we're with the Kroekers my little Lexi will most likely be in the bathroom wiggling away watching Anika pee and waiting for 'her turn' I say 'her turn' because Anika wasn't even thinking about peeing until Lexi said she was going and then Anika litterally runs to the bathroom and starts going first, Lexi doesn't run because she is clueless to the fact that someone is trying to beat her to the potty. It's really a site to see and it gives me and Ang a little laugh every time.
Please note in the first picture that Lexi is playing with the soccer ball and I think you can see my dad's shadow on the side too as she was playing with him. My dad then decided to take the soccer ball and kick it across the driveway for Lexi to go run to and get back for him and then I think the idea was for the cycle to continue. Well, as soon as my dad kicked the ball and Anika saw Lexi start running towards it she starting running to it mummbling to herself something about no me get the ball and my dad kept calling after her 'no Anika, no, that was for Lexi' but she was completly oblivious to the sound of my dads voice. As you can see below that Anika did get there first and got the soccer ball before Lexi, please note the anger on my little girls face....
Please note in the first picture that Lexi is playing with the soccer ball and I think you can see my dad's shadow on the side too as she was playing with him. My dad then decided to take the soccer ball and kick it across the driveway for Lexi to go run to and get back for him and then I think the idea was for the cycle to continue. Well, as soon as my dad kicked the ball and Anika saw Lexi start running towards it she starting running to it mummbling to herself something about no me get the ball and my dad kept calling after her 'no Anika, no, that was for Lexi' but she was completly oblivious to the sound of my dads voice. As you can see below that Anika did get there first and got the soccer ball before Lexi, please note the anger on my little girls face....
Thursday, March 6, 2008
number two
What you are looking at is indeed a pair of binoculars in the bathroom. Lexi had to poop the other day and she did so in her potty and then after I dumped it in the big potty she had to "see poop, see poop" and i don't know.. maybe she thought it would change from one potty to the next? It's amazing that someone would choose to do this and how doing this actually made her happy and excited. Well, I guess that's the life of a (almost) two year old!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Wow I'm Tired!
Why is it that when Auntie Bo asked Ryland about his day today he replied by saying "mommy just took us to McDonalds because we were being bad and mommy wants us to start being good"? Well I realize that doesn't sound right and Auntie Bo was confused but it is absolutely true.I'm exhausted! Ryland and Lexi fight and fight and then fight a little bit more. I thought maybe a change of scenery would do the trick and they'd be so busy on the slides they wouldn't remember that they were even capable of fighting. I also told them that if I was going to take them out for fries and to play they had to show me how they could be good to each other and they had to start listening. Well they did really good there, even when it was time to pack up and leave and so far at home things are going better.
This morning I woke up at 1:45 and could hardly believe that I hadn't yet been woken from one of my children. I wasn't sure if I should let myself go back to sleep because someone should surely wake me for something soon and I hate getting to the point where at any second I'm going to be sleeping just to have someone wake me. My next thought was 'are they alive and still breathing?!' something must be wrong for no one to be awake! and then the question is I risk checking on them? what if they are nicely sleeping and I disturb them and then now I've woken them? I play it back and forth in my head for a while and then decide to quickly check on them, but not a good check where I touch them to see if they're breathing (3 times before leaving!) or make them move a little, just a quick listen at the door today. I actually got to sleep until 2:46am before I was woken by Sophia, that is a great night! and then things were back to normal..that means that when I was finished with Sophia and back in bed I got nice and cozy and I was just about to fall asleep and then I heard Lexi calling out for me...ahhh, this is what i'm use to and what my night should be like. (or shouldn't be like but is). I hate the fact that my baby is almost 9 months old and her waking up at 2:46am was such a great thing for me, I wish that that was a bad thing and that that would have annoyed me because she
slept through the night. I hate that Lexi waking up at 3:13am for the first time last night was good too and her going back to sleep nicely was the best part of it because in two weeks she will be 2! Ryland last night didn't wake up, or me up and that was a really really good night for me. Ryland is an awesome sleeper, I can't say much bad about him, at bed time he goes to bed and if he wakes in the night he usually goes to the bathroom and can get a drink by himself (I try to remember before bed to have one ready for him in the fridge but if not he can open a bottle of water) although sometimes he comes to tell me about his dream whether it be good or bad or sometimes he just comes to kiss me which is so sweet and I love. Sophia i can't figure out why she keeps waking up, is it partly habit is it partly because she really does want to eat a little?? I've tried so much already and i'm wearing out. she only eats a very little bit one time in the night, the rest of the time she may need help going from her tummy to her back again or she pooped or she's just up and talks, I try and leave her for as long as I can but it's hard when i'm risking another little one waking up and sometimes it's just easier to go get her rather then being up for an hour waiting for her to go to sleep on her own, I'm so tired I just want to get her sleeping as fast as I can. Lexi has gotten so much better since her molars have started coming through. Now she can have nights where she sleeps all the way through which is so helpful. My days have been getting started early again, I had a bit of a break where it was 7-7:30 and now Sophia wakes between 5:40 and 6:00 and then the other two are up by 6:45. Some days I don't know why I was chosen to have to deal with children who keep me up most of the night and then who also wake me up before the sun. I hate feeling tired all day, I hate having constant headaches because I'm just so tired, I hate feeling as though I can't enjoy my evenings because I need to go to sleep because I'm probably going to be up for a combined 2-3 hours in the night and then woken nice and early. Then this morning when I was in bed and so very tired and I could hear that all my children were awake and wanting something from me I realized how blessed I was that I had 3 beautiful children to take care of. I realized that any mom out there in the world who had a sick child, or one that had been taken from them already would trade my 'sleep' problems with theirs any day, any second. So I'm chronically tired but I have 3 children who are alive and healthy and one day they'll grow out of this..they have to right? Two kids who forgot how to play together and learnt how to fight don't mix very well with a mom who is so tired so I feel like I can barely function some days but like I said, I know this too shall pass and I will one day get the rest I desire and I know that I am blessed to have all my babies and I love taking care of them, even though they need so much care in the night still!
the funny thing about this is that this is my first year doing something for Lent and you know what it was I chose to do?? coffee! well that was horrible so I did 20 days of that which i barely survived and now for the last 20 days I'm doing chips.
This morning I woke up at 1:45 and could hardly believe that I hadn't yet been woken from one of my children. I wasn't sure if I should let myself go back to sleep because someone should surely wake me for something soon and I hate getting to the point where at any second I'm going to be sleeping just to have someone wake me. My next thought was 'are they alive and still breathing?!' something must be wrong for no one to be awake! and then the question is I risk checking on them? what if they are nicely sleeping and I disturb them and then now I've woken them? I play it back and forth in my head for a while and then decide to quickly check on them, but not a good check where I touch them to see if they're breathing (3 times before leaving!) or make them move a little, just a quick listen at the door today. I actually got to sleep until 2:46am before I was woken by Sophia, that is a great night! and then things were back to normal..that means that when I was finished with Sophia and back in bed I got nice and cozy and I was just about to fall asleep and then I heard Lexi calling out for me...ahhh, this is what i'm use to and what my night should be like. (or shouldn't be like but is). I hate the fact that my baby is almost 9 months old and her waking up at 2:46am was such a great thing for me, I wish that that was a bad thing and that that would have annoyed me because she
slept through the night. I hate that Lexi waking up at 3:13am for the first time last night was good too and her going back to sleep nicely was the best part of it because in two weeks she will be 2! Ryland last night didn't wake up, or me up and that was a really really good night for me. Ryland is an awesome sleeper, I can't say much bad about him, at bed time he goes to bed and if he wakes in the night he usually goes to the bathroom and can get a drink by himself (I try to remember before bed to have one ready for him in the fridge but if not he can open a bottle of water) although sometimes he comes to tell me about his dream whether it be good or bad or sometimes he just comes to kiss me which is so sweet and I love. Sophia i can't figure out why she keeps waking up, is it partly habit is it partly because she really does want to eat a little?? I've tried so much already and i'm wearing out. she only eats a very little bit one time in the night, the rest of the time she may need help going from her tummy to her back again or she pooped or she's just up and talks, I try and leave her for as long as I can but it's hard when i'm risking another little one waking up and sometimes it's just easier to go get her rather then being up for an hour waiting for her to go to sleep on her own, I'm so tired I just want to get her sleeping as fast as I can. Lexi has gotten so much better since her molars have started coming through. Now she can have nights where she sleeps all the way through which is so helpful. My days have been getting started early again, I had a bit of a break where it was 7-7:30 and now Sophia wakes between 5:40 and 6:00 and then the other two are up by 6:45. Some days I don't know why I was chosen to have to deal with children who keep me up most of the night and then who also wake me up before the sun. I hate feeling tired all day, I hate having constant headaches because I'm just so tired, I hate feeling as though I can't enjoy my evenings because I need to go to sleep because I'm probably going to be up for a combined 2-3 hours in the night and then woken nice and early. Then this morning when I was in bed and so very tired and I could hear that all my children were awake and wanting something from me I realized how blessed I was that I had 3 beautiful children to take care of. I realized that any mom out there in the world who had a sick child, or one that had been taken from them already would trade my 'sleep' problems with theirs any day, any second. So I'm chronically tired but I have 3 children who are alive and healthy and one day they'll grow out of this..they have to right? Two kids who forgot how to play together and learnt how to fight don't mix very well with a mom who is so tired so I feel like I can barely function some days but like I said, I know this too shall pass and I will one day get the rest I desire and I know that I am blessed to have all my babies and I love taking care of them, even though they need so much care in the night still!
the funny thing about this is that this is my first year doing something for Lent and you know what it was I chose to do?? coffee! well that was horrible so I did 20 days of that which i barely survived and now for the last 20 days I'm doing chips.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Lexi's Heart of Gold
What is this you're asking? Or because of the mere fact that I have 3 children simply rule out any such questions? Well, I'll tell you what it Lexi is a very thoughtful and sweet little girl and last night we were having our regular video call with daddy and Lexi hadn't finished her snack yet and she thought her daddy might want some so this is her sharing with her daddy even though he is miles away from home. Ryland was telling her "no Lex, daddy can't get those" but I told him to stop that because it was very nice of her to share with daddy and she doesn't need to know that daddy can't actually reach out from the screen and grab the goldfish. Does she really think he can I wonder? and if he could do that then does she wonder why he doesn't just reach out to kiss and hug them goodnight rather then them blowing each other kisses? I would love to be in the mind of my little ones for a moment or two. She is so good at sharing (food only!, not toys) I have to keep a close eye on her with Sophia. She knows how to get ahold of some snacks by herself and loves to share with her little sister. A few days ago I heard Sophia choking and sure enough Lexi had given her some of her corn pops and when I had ran over to her Lexi looked so happy and proud of herself it was a little sad telling her that she can't share with her but then remind her the rest of the day that she has to share, how confusing it must be for a kid!
2 birds with 1 basket
Sophia is now in a little bit of an annoying stage in that she is trying to crawl but can't quite figure it out and once she's in the crawling position she is stuck. she starts to sway back and forth and does this for a while and then either starts crying or sometimes she goes flat on her stomach where she is happy for another minute or so and then she starts crying anyway. So either way I have to stop what I am doing to come and rescue her and place her back on her cute little bum and thus the whole process starts again. What a cycle we are living right now. I have a basket I keep in the livingroom right now for all of her toys and today after nap time I decided why not put her right in her basket. this way the toys don't spread over the entire livingroom and I don't have to 'rescue' her every few minutes. She loved it! she had a huge smile on her face and started clapping immediately. I don't think this will last very long but maybe it will work for little bits during the day. I think if I save it for times like making lunch and supper and whatnot I'll be able to it more peacefully.
Monday, February 25, 2008
1 vs 4
Taking a trip to winnipeg by yourself with 3 children in winter is ridiculous to say the least. the fourth thing i was up against was my usual dud cart I always seem to get at WalMart. I thought today wouldn't be so bad because it was so mild out so off we went to wpg. First stop...Michaels, they're carts are almost useless with kids so all I could fit in there was Sophia. Well Lexi loved everything in there and there were so many flowers for her to go touch and say "mowa? mowa mama?" that means 'there are more flowers over here too mama?' and she loaded up the cart with things she liked while i tried to concentrate on what I all needed for her cake. Perfectly placed in the cake decorating aisle was one of those huge blue ladders that Ryland knows all to well about and sees them and always asks "you have to work here to go on these mom?" "yes Ryland you have to work here to go up the ladder" so of course Ryland and Lexi swing from it and do everything else other then actually climb up the ladder itself. I finally decided to just buy the kit and one thing I knew i'd need for it and i'd read the box at home later to find out what else i'd need for it. We had to make a bathroom visit in the store which is always fun craming a cart load of kids into a stall and deciding which of them can go first and who can hold on to it for just a little while longer. After leaving the bathroom Lexi found a post that she decided to start hugging, passers by just said how cute she looked and said how nice it was she was hugging that post and blah blah you have kids? do you see that i have 2 more here? do you think that i think it's cute that she is hugging a pole and refuses to let go? I asked Ryland to watch Sophia for me so I could go get Lexi away from that pole and on my way over to her she started to kiss it! gross. So i managed to convince Lexi to come with me by showing her mommy had a sucker in her pocket that she could have and then when I turned around Ryland wasn't just watching Sophia any more he was giving her a ride. Our adventure lasted about another 15 more minutes or so and then we were all safely in the van and off to the mall. What
would Wal-Mart be without a dud for a cart?? I wouldn't know, I always seem to get them. Todays veered to the right. We started out with Ryland and Lexi in the main big area and Sophia on top where the cart is nicely designed for one child to fit in this world of famlies of 3 I guess. I already knew at home it would be a tight fit with winter gear so I had Ryland just wear his runners instead of his big clunky boots to make more room for kids, jackets, diaper bag and anything we might want to buy. This arrangement didn't last too long and we were switching and putting Sophia down with Ryland and Lexi up where Sophia was, this gave a little more room down there as we kept filling the cart. Wal-Mart wasn't too bad I just had to remind Ryland (and Lexi when she was down there with him) to stay sitting and stay to the left or mommy can't push the cart every minute and a half or so. With that done we proceded to go to The Disney Store, yes i said it, The Disney Store. This store is made for parents with kids and obviously they want kids to be in this store yet I'm amazed at how its set up. First of all there is no room to navigate a stroller or a cart and second it's carpet flooring and with a dud of a cart that veers to one side it's really hard to push in the hallways of the mall let alone carpet and i believe its about 15 degrees hotter in here then anywhere else in the mall. So barely in the store I wasn't able to push hard enough to the left (and I think Ryland forgot himself and went to the right of the cart in his excitement) and we immediately crashed into a display case of cups and one shelf was almost totally off so if i backed the cart up before fixing the shelf the entire shelf would have slid right down so i had to pick up everything that fell while convincing the kids not to touch the cups of "cars", "princess"and "buzz light year" even though it was hanging into the cart! Thankfully a lady that works there came to help us out and surprisingly enough mentioned that this happens more then once in a day! Well this store wasn't too crazy actually, Ryland managed to hop out of the cart without me noticing once and Sophia started crying towards the end because it was now past her supper time, oh yes and the kids wanting everything in the store and asking seperately for it all. So now we went to the food court to eat and all was fine and good and then Lexi needed to pee. I am so gratefull that this happened at the end because i could just pack everything into one container and throw it all in the garbage we were right beside, unstrap Sophia from the highchair, place her in the cart, get Ryland into the cart and then chase down Lexi who insisted she walk to the bathroom that we were soooo far from and I ended up having to carry her there while pushing my lovely cart full all the way there. Thankfully the family washroom was empty so we could use that right away but then Lexi wasn't sitting far enough on the potty and ended up peeing all over her pants and boots and some on the floor! Well that is all I am going to say about our trip to wpg. it was one for the memory banks I tell you. Now Jordan, now do you fully understand why I appreciate your help when you're home and we all go out on our little day trips to winnipeg one day and steinbach another? we always say how crazy it is with us 5, this is what it's like when I say us 4. Hey honey, I love you!
would Wal-Mart be without a dud for a cart?? I wouldn't know, I always seem to get them. Todays veered to the right. We started out with Ryland and Lexi in the main big area and Sophia on top where the cart is nicely designed for one child to fit in this world of famlies of 3 I guess. I already knew at home it would be a tight fit with winter gear so I had Ryland just wear his runners instead of his big clunky boots to make more room for kids, jackets, diaper bag and anything we might want to buy. This arrangement didn't last too long and we were switching and putting Sophia down with Ryland and Lexi up where Sophia was, this gave a little more room down there as we kept filling the cart. Wal-Mart wasn't too bad I just had to remind Ryland (and Lexi when she was down there with him) to stay sitting and stay to the left or mommy can't push the cart every minute and a half or so. With that done we proceded to go to The Disney Store, yes i said it, The Disney Store. This store is made for parents with kids and obviously they want kids to be in this store yet I'm amazed at how its set up. First of all there is no room to navigate a stroller or a cart and second it's carpet flooring and with a dud of a cart that veers to one side it's really hard to push in the hallways of the mall let alone carpet and i believe its about 15 degrees hotter in here then anywhere else in the mall. So barely in the store I wasn't able to push hard enough to the left (and I think Ryland forgot himself and went to the right of the cart in his excitement) and we immediately crashed into a display case of cups and one shelf was almost totally off so if i backed the cart up before fixing the shelf the entire shelf would have slid right down so i had to pick up everything that fell while convincing the kids not to touch the cups of "cars", "princess"and "buzz light year" even though it was hanging into the cart! Thankfully a lady that works there came to help us out and surprisingly enough mentioned that this happens more then once in a day! Well this store wasn't too crazy actually, Ryland managed to hop out of the cart without me noticing once and Sophia started crying towards the end because it was now past her supper time, oh yes and the kids wanting everything in the store and asking seperately for it all. So now we went to the food court to eat and all was fine and good and then Lexi needed to pee. I am so gratefull that this happened at the end because i could just pack everything into one container and throw it all in the garbage we were right beside, unstrap Sophia from the highchair, place her in the cart, get Ryland into the cart and then chase down Lexi who insisted she walk to the bathroom that we were soooo far from and I ended up having to carry her there while pushing my lovely cart full all the way there. Thankfully the family washroom was empty so we could use that right away but then Lexi wasn't sitting far enough on the potty and ended up peeing all over her pants and boots and some on the floor! Well that is all I am going to say about our trip to wpg. it was one for the memory banks I tell you. Now Jordan, now do you fully understand why I appreciate your help when you're home and we all go out on our little day trips to winnipeg one day and steinbach another? we always say how crazy it is with us 5, this is what it's like when I say us 4. Hey honey, I love you!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
And the Shift Begins..
Well Jordan left this morning for yet another shift, this probably should have been his last or maybe second last one but it now looks like we'll be living this life for a little while longer. Obviously the hardest thing about Jordan working out of town is how it affects our family but sometimes I think the hardest thing about deciding to do this for longer is feeling the pressure to explain our choices to everyone.
Now that Jordan is gone the house is once again clean! this always is a bit of an unusual thing because it would make sence that having Jordan home and having that extra set of hands the house would be cleaner with him here but it is a total zoo for pretty much the whole week he's here and quite clean for the three he's gone. It's also back to routine for the kids, they had their normal bath and were all in bed not only at bed time but before bed time! isn't that crazy! They normally get 1-2 baths when Jordan is home. I'm just in awe at this because it sounds so opposite. This is not me saying i like having my husband gone, i want him home and can hardly wait for him being home being our normalcy and he being part of our routine, it's just not our time for that right now. It kind of makes life exciting with all the anticipation me and the kids have when it gets closer to having Jord home, it's kind of like we get a week of holidays every month too which is awesome for us!
Robyn usually has been staying with me and the kids in the weeks that Jord is gone but this time around we're going to see how it works if she only stays here for 1 of 3 weeks. I want her to have more of a chance to be an aunt to my kids and not have her feel like she needs to be always helping to take care of them. I want her to enjoy them more.
Now that Jordan is gone the house is once again clean! this always is a bit of an unusual thing because it would make sence that having Jordan home and having that extra set of hands the house would be cleaner with him here but it is a total zoo for pretty much the whole week he's here and quite clean for the three he's gone. It's also back to routine for the kids, they had their normal bath and were all in bed not only at bed time but before bed time! isn't that crazy! They normally get 1-2 baths when Jordan is home. I'm just in awe at this because it sounds so opposite. This is not me saying i like having my husband gone, i want him home and can hardly wait for him being home being our normalcy and he being part of our routine, it's just not our time for that right now. It kind of makes life exciting with all the anticipation me and the kids have when it gets closer to having Jord home, it's kind of like we get a week of holidays every month too which is awesome for us!
Robyn usually has been staying with me and the kids in the weeks that Jord is gone but this time around we're going to see how it works if she only stays here for 1 of 3 weeks. I want her to have more of a chance to be an aunt to my kids and not have her feel like she needs to be always helping to take care of them. I want her to enjoy them more.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Play Room
Yay..the play room is almost done! wow, i've been waiting for this since we bought this house and finally it's just moments away, or finished enough so that we can have all the toys in there and none upstairs and the kids can use it. we'll do baseboards, better lighting, shelving and ceiling later. for now the painting is done and floor is almost in and i'm happy with that. the kids each got a square to paint in that they could do this morning and it turned out so well, i'm so happy with it. i got them to each do a handprint and i did a mark in their box of how tall they were when they did their artwork, i'll write their names in it later on. they had a blast painting and are so proud that they did the artwork for their room, it's awesome. i also did a chalkboard and magnetic board for them (spraypaint) but i'm not as happy with the look of how that turned out. they chalkboard sprayed way to much out and the magnetic one hardly did a thing, i actually went and bought a new can as i thought i bought a dud and turns out it's just a pain in the butt to do. well i hear my named being called so that will be all my ranting for today.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Here we go...
well i figured it was time to enter the world of blogs already so we'll see if i'm any good at this and/or if i can even keep up with posts. i do notice however that some others will go a month without a new post so really keeping up is meerly what i consider to keeping up to be.
jordan right now is on a flight home!! ryland and jordan's dad just left to pick him up. ryland was so excited. it's so hard watching the kids wave goodbye to jord and talk about him in the weeks he's gone and hear some of the things they say to him on the phone but to see how excited they are on the day he comes home and to watch that reunion is just awesome. they just attack him when he's home and barely leave his side all week. he still however sometimes comes home and thinks the kids will allow him to sleep in the first morning...think again honey...they haven't seen you in three weeks they want to play!
lexi has one more molar left to come through and i'm praying it will happen VERY soon. she is so much work right now and so far she's been really good after each tooth has poked itself through but then i can tell the second she starts on the next one. i don't blame her for being miserable, it would hurt and i would be moody too. i just have to remember that in the moment right? well at least she's sleeping through the night again, she wakes up at 6:20am but she's sleeping solid until then. i just have to find the positive in the situation.
and for sophia, well her favorite thing to do right now is clap. she has the biggest smile on her face while she's doing it and she looks so very proud of herself, it's just so fun watching her. she weighs in about the 100th percentile for her age but still thinks she needs more to eat then what i feed her during the day so she still wakes me twice a night to feed her. i keep telling jord that she should have enough extra fat cells to tide her over till morning but i guess she doesn't think so or she just plain doesn't want to give them up.
now i've given each of my wonderful children a paragraph to themselves and i don't know what to say about me right now. my life is my children so i've probably said almost everything going on in my life at this moment. this seems enough for a first post any
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