Last year we gave our children a play stucture for their christmas present and their birthday present, (their birthday that was closest to that christmas)we figured it is so huge we can use it for 6 gifts! And little do they know they will be sharing more christmas gifts as we slowly add on to their structure. hopefully this christmas we can add a tire swing on to it for them.

it was so exciting to finally put it up, i kept telling Jord that i was more excited for it then the kids were. i've been wanting one since Ryland was about 2 already. i didn't know it would be so much fun putting it together though. we made it a big family project and we all had a great time. Ryland was drilling, Lexi was so proudly giving Jord the scrap pieces of wood, Jord trusted me enough to measure and mark the wood and then taught me how to use the skill saw or circular saw or whatever that thing is called so i could then cut it for him and Sophia cheered us all on. Jordan's dad stopped in on day 3 at the perfect time...when the roof needed to go up so that was a great help, other then that we as a family put it up (Jord doing most of it but the rest of us doing our part none the less).
we even stopped to have a tea party with the girls in between! I told Jord when we were all done that i was a little sad because i had so much fun putting it together with him, i was so focused at first on it just being up so that the kids could play on it i never expected the process of it going up would have been part of the fun of it all.
we even stopped to have a tea party with the girls in between! I told Jord when we were all done that i was a little sad because i had so much fun putting it together with him, i was so focused at first on it just being up so that the kids could play on it i never expected the process of it going up would have been part of the fun of it all.
Sounds like so much fun! That's so awesome you got to all enjoy the journey of it all, not just the destination!! :)
Good job on learning how to use whatever type of power tool saw you learned how to use!!!
that looks like lots of fun! you are very brave to get right in there building and all...this play structure will be filled with many memories. perfect for this warmer weather. enjoy!
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