Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lexi, Anika and a soccer ball

We were at my parents place about a week and a half ago and it was really nice outside and Robyn found a dead frog in the ditch (that will be a whole other post...with pictures of course!) so most of us were outside for awhile either disecting the frog, throwing rocks in the ditch or playing soccer. One thing you need to know about my awesome little neice Anika is that everytime my kids (especially Lexi) announces she is going to do something Anika has to quickly do it first, take peeing for example...when Anika has to go to the bathroom she goes but when my children have to go they for some reason feel the need to announce it first and then go. So whenever we're with the Kroekers my little Lexi will most likely be in the bathroom wiggling away watching Anika pee and waiting for 'her turn' I say 'her turn' because Anika wasn't even thinking about peeing until Lexi said she was going and then Anika litterally runs to the bathroom and starts going first, Lexi doesn't run because she is clueless to the fact that someone is trying to beat her to the potty. It's really a site to see and it gives me and Ang a little laugh every time.
Please note in the first picture that Lexi is playing with the soccer ball and I think you can see my dad's shadow on the side too as she was playing with him. My dad then decided to take the soccer ball and kick it across the driveway for Lexi to go run to and get back for him and then I think the idea was for the cycle to continue. Well, as soon as my dad kicked the ball and Anika saw Lexi start running towards it she starting running to it mummbling to herself something about no me get the ball and my dad kept calling after her 'no Anika, no, that was for Lexi' but she was completly oblivious to the sound of my dads voice. As you can see below that Anika did get there first and got the soccer ball before Lexi, please note the anger on my little girls face....

and then she tackled her. me and my dad were laughing pretty good here! I'm not even sure if Anika knew why Lexi would be mad at her and would want to tackle her for the soccer ball, papa just kicked the ball for them to go get right?


L-Moe said...

That is TERRIBLY cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I started laughing even before reading this post, it is sooo funny!

Larissa said...

That is so cute!! Those girls are cute. I cannot believe how looking at Lexi is like a flashback to when we were kids!!
Anika & Lexi sure are cute together!!

andrea said...

they are going to have many memories growing up and the ones they forget, you'll just have to remind them. they'll best of friends.