Monday, February 11, 2008

Here we go...

well i figured it was time to enter the world of blogs already so we'll see if i'm any good at this and/or if i can even keep up with posts. i do notice however that some others will go a month without a new post so really keeping up is meerly what i consider to keeping up to be.

jordan right now is on a flight home!! ryland and jordan's dad just left to pick him up. ryland was so excited. it's so hard watching the kids wave goodbye to jord and talk about him in the weeks he's gone and hear some of the things they say to him on the phone but to see how excited they are on the day he comes home and to watch that reunion is just awesome. they just attack him when he's home and barely leave his side all week. he still however sometimes comes home and thinks the kids will allow him to sleep in the first morning...think again honey...they haven't seen you in three weeks they want to play!

lexi has one more molar left to come through and i'm praying it will happen VERY soon. she is so much work right now and so far she's been really good after each tooth has poked itself through but then i can tell the second she starts on the next one. i don't blame her for being miserable, it would hurt and i would be moody too. i just have to remember that in the moment right? well at least she's sleeping through the night again, she wakes up at 6:20am but she's sleeping solid until then. i just have to find the positive in the situation.

and for sophia, well her favorite thing to do right now is clap. she has the biggest smile on her face while she's doing it and she looks so very proud of herself, it's just so fun watching her. she weighs in about the 100th percentile for her age but still thinks she needs more to eat then what i feed her during the day so she still wakes me twice a night to feed her. i keep telling jord that she should have enough extra fat cells to tide her over till morning but i guess she doesn't think so or she just plain doesn't want to give them up.

now i've given each of my wonderful children a paragraph to themselves and i don't know what to say about me right now. my life is my children so i've probably said almost everything going on in my life at this moment. this seems enough for a first post any

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