Friday, February 6, 2009
Half to the Bottom
In total shock the other night at supper Ryland said to me "huh! mom, look,.. Bia's bowl is half to the bottom and mine is half to the top!!" what? i said, and he repeated that hers was half to the bottom already. and I wanted to dig a little deeper into this horrifying moment my son was having. I kept probing a little more and then showed him 2 cups on the the table and said if they both have this same amount of water in them how is one 'half to the top' and one 'half to the bottom'?? "Well mom, remember when I went to the bathroom?...(just minutes before) well, she was still eating then so that makes hers half to the bottom already" "Oh" I said, "well, then that does make sence". and that was that. And he then sped up his eating so she wouldn't 'win'. Everything is a race, always! I think boys are just born that way:)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sunday night we were out a little later then anticipated, due to my children not wanting to leave grandma and grandpas house. 45 minutes later I had them all buckled in the van and started the horrible drive home, blowing snow, poor visibility and it was now bed time for some and past for others. Lexi thought that since I had brought her pj's with she was having a sleepover at grandma and grandpas and had two fits leaving. I bring pj's with all the time! what was she thinking?! even at home when she saw me packing them she asked if she was sleeping over and I said no sweetie not tonight, mommy is just bringing them with incase we want to stay till close to bedtime. and she was fine with that, until we got there and she wanted to put on her pj's and she asked again and I said no sweetie grandma and grandpa are working in the morning so if you'd sleepover there would be no one here in the morning with you, okay, and once again she was fine. When the time came to actually leave for home the fits started, for some reason how I explained it to her she understood that she WAS having a sleepover there. it took a few talks with mommy, a talk with grandma, a call to daddy and 45 minutes to get her okay with going home! ahh! next time i won't be so confusing for the poor girl:)
Well this isn't actually the sleepover I was talking about in the title, now that the kids had come home in pj's it was super quick for me to get them in bed, I told the girls to go in their room and wait for me...they ran there so excitedly, Lexi got there first and jumped on her bed, Bia followed laughing as she ran thinking this was a game...sleeping isn't usually this exciting. With their door wide open I could hear them talking "Bia, do you want to sleep in my bed with me?!!" (and then I'm imaging Bia nodding very excitedly) "yeah?!!!, okay, i'll go ask mommy" "MOMMYYYYY..." and now she is racing out of her room, "can Bia sleep in my bed with me tonight?" sure sweetie, "huhhh, yay, Bia you can!!!" as she ran back to their room. I think had I not heard their sweet little conversation I probably would have said no, at this point I was discouraged at how late it was and no one was sleeping yet, and I hadn't totally calmed down from the mayhem that occured at my in-laws with getting the kids home (oh, i didn't mention that Bia refused to come home also, I think she was a little mad at the fact that grandma and grandpa didn't have a Dora movie, she kept asking for them to put one on for her and cried when every time she asked they had none to put one on! thankfully they had Dora playing cards and she was able to take one home with her which she was very excited about). They were both so excited and I didn't say anything to them but I figured this will last about 2 minutes, then Sophia will realize she can get off the bed and that's all she'll do, on off on off, then i'll come in and put her in her own bed and they'll finally go to sleep. although it will take longer now because they'll be all rialed up and even more over tired. I was thinking about it as I was listening to my girls visit and laugh in their little sleepover and I thought I remembered asking for things when I was young and having such a hard time when the answer was no. "what does it matter to you" I always thought, it's just a sleepover (or whatever it happened to be that time). I now know everything my parents had to do for "just a sleepover" when I thought it didn't make them any difference. But we had no plans Monday and so if the girls had a little less sleep and were cranky they could easily relax more or have an extra nap so really it would mean more to them this time then the extra work it would be for me. I listened at the door a couple of times and it was so so sweet their little conversation, a 1 and 2 year old conversing may sound a little silly but Bia lost her lala (soother) and Lexi and her looked for it, Lexi heard cars going by and asked Bia if she thought too that that sounded like a car going by, Lexi suggested 2 times that they go to sleep now, she always says the best part of the sleepover is the sleeping! and after 10 minutes and 2 suggestions they both fell asleep! perfectly! they slept till 6:43 the next morning! Bia is always up at 6:30, always, so she slept in. and then when I went to get her she didn't want to get out of bed, she asked for more n-night and so I heated up some milk and she was in bed till just after 7 and then Lexi woke up too. It was so wonderful, the girls had such a great time, they were still super excited in the morning when they woke up together and it didn't even mean all that extra work I thought it would be for me. ahh, I can still hardly believe it. I'm so glad I over heard them plan this or it probably wouldn't have happened.
Well this isn't actually the sleepover I was talking about in the title, now that the kids had come home in pj's it was super quick for me to get them in bed, I told the girls to go in their room and wait for me...they ran there so excitedly, Lexi got there first and jumped on her bed, Bia followed laughing as she ran thinking this was a game...sleeping isn't usually this exciting. With their door wide open I could hear them talking "Bia, do you want to sleep in my bed with me?!!" (and then I'm imaging Bia nodding very excitedly) "yeah?!!!, okay, i'll go ask mommy" "MOMMYYYYY..." and now she is racing out of her room, "can Bia sleep in my bed with me tonight?" sure sweetie, "huhhh, yay, Bia you can!!!" as she ran back to their room. I think had I not heard their sweet little conversation I probably would have said no, at this point I was discouraged at how late it was and no one was sleeping yet, and I hadn't totally calmed down from the mayhem that occured at my in-laws with getting the kids home (oh, i didn't mention that Bia refused to come home also, I think she was a little mad at the fact that grandma and grandpa didn't have a Dora movie, she kept asking for them to put one on for her and cried when every time she asked they had none to put one on! thankfully they had Dora playing cards and she was able to take one home with her which she was very excited about). They were both so excited and I didn't say anything to them but I figured this will last about 2 minutes, then Sophia will realize she can get off the bed and that's all she'll do, on off on off, then i'll come in and put her in her own bed and they'll finally go to sleep. although it will take longer now because they'll be all rialed up and even more over tired. I was thinking about it as I was listening to my girls visit and laugh in their little sleepover and I thought I remembered asking for things when I was young and having such a hard time when the answer was no. "what does it matter to you" I always thought, it's just a sleepover (or whatever it happened to be that time). I now know everything my parents had to do for "just a sleepover" when I thought it didn't make them any difference. But we had no plans Monday and so if the girls had a little less sleep and were cranky they could easily relax more or have an extra nap so really it would mean more to them this time then the extra work it would be for me. I listened at the door a couple of times and it was so so sweet their little conversation, a 1 and 2 year old conversing may sound a little silly but Bia lost her lala (soother) and Lexi and her looked for it, Lexi heard cars going by and asked Bia if she thought too that that sounded like a car going by, Lexi suggested 2 times that they go to sleep now, she always says the best part of the sleepover is the sleeping! and after 10 minutes and 2 suggestions they both fell asleep! perfectly! they slept till 6:43 the next morning! Bia is always up at 6:30, always, so she slept in. and then when I went to get her she didn't want to get out of bed, she asked for more n-night and so I heated up some milk and she was in bed till just after 7 and then Lexi woke up too. It was so wonderful, the girls had such a great time, they were still super excited in the morning when they woke up together and it didn't even mean all that extra work I thought it would be for me. ahh, I can still hardly believe it. I'm so glad I over heard them plan this or it probably wouldn't have happened.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sugar Cookies
This will be short and sweet, I haven't done this in a while so I thought I'd post a short little blog about the new cookies I attempted this year. Sugar Cookies, I was watching Martha Stewart and they were making Santa sugar cookies and decorating them with royal icing, doing the hat and boots and then waiting 10 minutes for that color to dry and then doing the white and waiting another 10 minutes so I thought I would love to do that. I went out in search of things I saw and came up short, no Santa cookie cutters (I could only find big Santa faces, not the whole body) and no luck finding those little silver balls for sticking on the icing either. If anyone knows where I can find these things please help: ) I did find other basic shapes, candy canes, snowmen and snowflakes and I had a ton of fun decorating them though. I'm not to excited about baking them and really try to get that out of the way really quick so I can get to decorating. I was so excited to get going on the decorating I couldn't wait till I had peace to do it (all the kids sound asleep in their beds!) so I sadly rushed into it and had my pants tugged on and was interruped numerous times. I'm happy with how they turned out but think next year they'll be better... I won't rush into them and I'll do them when I have the kitchen to myself!
So here are my snowflakes..
and here are my little snowmen..
and next year when I have that much more practice I'll post the other shapes:)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Little Charmer
This evening as I was walking Ryland into my bedroom for his snack and bedtime cartoon I noticed an amazing sunset and I told the kids to look outside to see the beautiful colours Jesus put in the sky tonight for us to look at. So Ry and Lexi gathered by the window and I stood behind them and Ry looked up at me and said "mommy you're more beautiful then that and that's a lot beautiful" So sweet! I just gave him a big hug, I hope he stops growing up so fast, I love that he loves me so much and wants to spend time with me, that he runs off the bus (literally) and gives me a huge hug everyday after school, that he was so excited that I signed up to volunteer for fieldtrips and then he asked if i would sit with him on the bus, the list goes on and on but it all points to him loving his mommy so much right now and i know that will soon turn into wanting to rather be with friends and him even later being embarrassed of me and Jord. I am truly enjoying it now!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Patio Blinds
My dad and Clint came over today and put up our new blinds we got for the patio door. They were very relaxed about it all and i think it took them 3 hours to do it. The instructions were horrible and they had to figure most of it out for themselves but they had breaks and Clint even ran an Olympic relay with Ryland during the whole process but it was kind of funny that it still took that long. I sure appreciate it guys, thanks again! Our other ones the kids just destroyed, they were the vertical ones so they were always touching the floor so they were constantly playing in them, it was so frustrating. We made sure we got these ones that go UP and we can also have one side up and one down if we want but it's still just one long one, although you can't tell totally from the picture.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Because you can't call you children and tell them you're sick...
well yesterday i got sick and had a fever all through the night and all sorts of aches and pains, of course Jord wasn't around so i had a crapy sleep and got woken up this morning by my sweet little Lexi at about 6:25am, thanks honey! she was so super sweet though, she lay in bed with me for about half an hour and every few minutes would whisper something in my ear..."mommy me big girl now", "mommy can me pay wit your hair?" and so on. I felt crapy still but the fever was gone by now and Sophia was awake so no more being lazy.Throughout the day i did what any mom has to do, sick or not, because like i mentioned in the title, you can't call your children and tell them you're sick, the day must go on! so i got to painting our doors for downstairs that will thankfully be getting installed next week, ran errands in wpg (so thankfully with Bo since it was raining and hailing there) and my fever annoyingly decided to come back in the afternoon but i chose to suck-it-up and i still did rolling races in the backyard with Ryland (i even won one!) but i gracefully bowed out of the running races today since the rolling did a number on my head and he nicely allowed me to be the spectaor and the person who does the 'ready, set, BANG'.The most exciting part of today was training my precious little SoBia Belle to...
pee on the potty! Horray for you honey! Im so proud, she's only 14 months and already going on the potty!! we spent so much time today sitting in the bathroom and the third time she did it after about 2 minutes or so. it was so awesome! the times she didn't do anything she laughed and laughed at silly games we played, she had snack and juice while siting there and of course Ry and Lex put on amazingly entertaining shows for us in the bathtub. What a great day today , sick and all!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Rylands Sailboat
Ryland had been asking for peanut butter on toast for
a couple of days and finally i picked up some bread for him, so this morning was really exciting for him. I finished spreading the peanut butter and asked him if he wanted it cut (if you cut it and that day he wants it whole...look out!) and he said yes. For some reason today I starting cutting it diagonally (I rarely do) and as I had only just barely started he said so politely and nonchalantly "mom, can you cut it into a sailboat?" I pause, say nothing and decide to keep cutting because how in the world do I cut a piece of bread into a sailboat and who on earth asks that AND who asks that with such complete confidence in their mom to do that?? well after i cut it it came to me.....

and he thought it was an AWESOME sailboat!
a couple of days and finally i picked up some bread for him, so this morning was really exciting for him. I finished spreading the peanut butter and asked him if he wanted it cut (if you cut it and that day he wants it whole...look out!) and he said yes. For some reason today I starting cutting it diagonally (I rarely do) and as I had only just barely started he said so politely and nonchalantly "mom, can you cut it into a sailboat?" I pause, say nothing and decide to keep cutting because how in the world do I cut a piece of bread into a sailboat and who on earth asks that AND who asks that with such complete confidence in their mom to do that?? well after i cut it it came to me.....
and he thought it was an AWESOME sailboat!
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